General Archives - Tiniciti Preschool
Ayuda a tus empleados con más beneficios

Ayuda a tus empleados con más beneficios

Fomentar el bienestar para los empleados es la meta que toda compañía debe cumplir si quiere asegurar el éxito de la misma. Y la razón es sencilla: empleados contentos y motivados son más productivos, más leales, más comprometidos y recomendarán los productos o...
Tips for Helping a Shy Child Gain Confidence

Tips for Helping a Shy Child Gain Confidence

If you’re the parent of a shy child, you’re probably wondering how to help them gain confidence. There’s nothing wrong with being a little timid but you want your kid to be able to confidently communicate with other children and adults. If they’re in preschool, it’s...
When Your Child is a Picky Eater

When Your Child is a Picky Eater

Children are known to be very picky about food. While this is an everyday battle for most parents, not many know how to get their kids to eat without turning to junk food. Toddlers quickly develop food preferences and this process can be unpredictable and sometimes...
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